Thursday, 10 May 2012

How to Raise Happy, Self-Confident Children

If you want to be a successful parent, you need to take time to fully understand what your children need in order to be self-confident, happy, and healthy.

Here some tips that can help you be that successful parent:-

1. Be physical with your children. Hold your children, touch them, kiss them. When your children know that they are loved by you, then they will learn to love themselves. That includes learning to feel good about themselves, to feel attractive, and to lived confident happy lives.

2. Your kids by example, so if you want your children to be healthy, fit, attractive, and kind - then you need to live that way yourself. You want to show your kids that the two most important people in their lives, mommy and daddy, share a happy and healthy life, eat well, and loving communication. Children want to feel proud of their parents - and it's part of your job to make them feel proud.

3. It's critically important to be honest with your kids, at all times. When you show them that you have integrity and are respectful with honesty, they will want to emulate that aspect of you.

4. Start listening more attentively to your children. You want them to have absolutely no doubt that you are genuinely interested in them, their feelings, and their lives.

5. Get involved in activities that your kids are interested in. Whatever age your children are, start to enthusiastically play with them during these activities. Whether it's spending a few moments hand-painting with them, or throwing around the ball each afternoon. If you have teenagers then spend time talking about their interests. It's easy to keep putting this off - so don't procrastinate, start today!

6. The most precious item that you can ever give your kids is your time. That includes reading books aloud with them, or in the case of younger children, having them read their favorite stories to you. It also includes sharing your stories and adventures with them. You can talk to them about what mommy and daddy were like when you first met, or what you did when when you were a child.

7. Be open and friendly to your child's friends, and encourage them to hang out at your house. Many parents are uptight, and have too many rules that will make your child's friends feel unwelcome, and in turn will damage your own child's self-esteem. But, if you show your child that their friends are welcome and that you accept their choice of friends in the home, then that sends a message of acceptance and trust of about their decisions. When you believe in your children then they will learn to believe in themselves.

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Thursday, 26 April 2012

Learning Transcendental Meditation

It is not difficult to learn transcendental meditation. If you are looking to escape from the whirlwind of ringing cell phones, traffic snarls and screaming kids, transcendental meditation can provide a peaceful getaway from the craziness of everyday life.

In 1958, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi formally introduced his transcendental meditation technique. Since then, he has written several books, lectured and toured extensively all over the world and trained over 40,000 teachers. Transcendental meditation is now practiced in the workplace, at home and in medical settings. In addition, doctors and health professionals are increasingly prescribing transcendental meditation as means of combating anxiety disorders and stress.

You may be wondering what is transcendental meditation and what makes it different from other forms of meditation? One of the most exciting elements of the transcendental meditation technique is that it so simple and easy to practice. With the right focus and dedication, you can learn transcendental meditation in a matter of moments.

Basically, during the meditation session, your body enters a deep and peaceful state of relaxation, while maintaining alertness and clarity. First, the person chooses a word or image to focus on, perhaps a religious or cultural symbol that has special meaning. As the person replays this word or image over and over, the body descends into a deeper and deeper state of restfulness. The session can last anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour and should take place in a calm and relaxed setting, with minimal noise and distractions.

No other meditation technique has been so extensively studied and researched. During transcendental meditation, the brain falls into a theta brain wave pattern (akin to sleep and deep relaxation), which then carries over to the state of wakefulness. Physical benefits include increased mental comprehension, focus, retention and creativity. Another interesting benefit is the actual reversal of the aging process. In a study conducted by the International Journal of Neuroscience, the biological age of practitioners of transcendental meditation was, on average, twelve years younger than their chronological age. Transcendental meditation also has positive effects on age and stress related conditions such as insomnia, high blood pressure, decreased visual acuity, hearing loss and depressed cerebral blood flow.

It is interesting to note that adherents from all religions choose to learn transcendental meditation. Although it has roots in Hinduism, the transcendental meditation technique can be applied to any cultural context. In fact, those who learn transcendental meditation are encouraged to adapt symbols that have meaning and depth for the individual. For example, a rabbi may choose to focus on a symbol or image rooted in Judaism to enhance the effectiveness of the session. In contrast, an agnostic may choose an image from nature such as a beautiful meadow or sunset to achieve relaxation. The beauty of transcendental meditation is its flexibility. Check out the video below for more info.

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Meditation program

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Musical Meditation - Relax and Be Creatively Inspired

Music is a wonderful tool for inspiration as well as relaxation. If you want to get the most out of your listening experience, try musical meditation. There are many ways to do it, so find one that works best for you. If you are not sure where to begin, then consider this easy method. You may find creative inspiration or simply a way to escape the world for a short time while you relax and enjoy your favorite songs.

The Play List
The play list is completely up to you. Some people will swear by classical music or other more relaxing sounds. In reality, any music can be relaxing if it fits your preferences. Keep in mind, that certain sounds can influence your mood and creative abilities. For example, if you wish to clear your mind to come up with ideas for a new fiction novel or short story, select songs with a tone similar to what you want to write. This could be country, alternative, nu metal, or classic rock. The genre does not matter, it is all about what you get out of the sound. In terms of relaxation, even metal or heavier music can help you work out emotions. This can have a relaxing, emotional release effect in the long term.

The Position
Set up in a relaxing position. You may choose to lay on your bed or couch, or sit upright on a pillow. Make sure you are not so comfortable that you fall asleep. The idea here is you stay awake so you can truly feel the music and consciously come up with thoughts, ideas, and emotions that will be remembered. It might be a good idea to keep a notebook and pencil close by in case you come up with a concept you simply must write down.

The Setting
When you choose your setting, make sure it is a place you can listen in complete privacy. Other people may act as strong distractions and keep you from fully immersing yourself in the sound, even if you are not speaking to the person. If others are present, go to a separate room and shut the door. Blinds and curtains should also be pulled to block out anything that may draw your attention away.
You do not want to play the music so loud you go deaf, however it must be loud enough that you can focus on it. That also means other sources of noise should be shut out. Keep the television off as well as anything else that could over power your music.

Time to Meditate
You have the play list ready, a comfortable place to listen, and no distractions. It is time to get into the song. Make sure you have a play list that is long enough to give you time to really fall into the sounds. Even if you only have a few songs, you should put them on loop or random, any mode that will allow for continuous play. If you have to get up and change tracks every so often, you will not be able to maintain focus. Get into position, turn on the music and prepare to listen. It is also helpful to close your eyes to shut out your other senses as much as possible and focus solely on hearing. Pick out an undertone in the song. This should be an ongoing sound that is slightly buried under the rest. Follow it along, listen to how it shifts and changes. Let your mind ride it like a current. If you have difficulty doing this at first, try an easier to follow sound. As you practice, you will get better at following more hidden undertones within the song. If the song changes, jump to a new sound. Initially, you may opt to listen to the same song a few times to get the hang of it before switching.

Mental Separation
Open yourself up to the influences of the music. Allow your consciousness to float along, keeping a firm mental grip on your chosen sound. As you do this, you may feel less aware of the world around you. Keep going until you are fully immersed. Feel any emotions the tone conveys, and let yourself do so completely. Do not think about other things, such as real life problems or commitments. As you get better at musical meditation, you may feel inspired to write or create using whatever medium you prefer. Get the most out of the experience by harnessing the full extent of emotion your play list generates. You will feel inspired while you relax to the sounds of your favorite songs.

Try the music player below for a selection of both relaxing and inspiring tracks.  Just click on the play button.

Article Source:

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

What is Quantum Jumping?

Quantum Jumping Your Parallel Dimension

Are you fully satisfied with your life? I wouldn' t be surprised if your answer wasn' t YES. Except for a few lucky ones, we all have something we would like to change in our lives, whether is a professional, personal or health related issue.

For anybody interested in discovering the key for a fulfilling existence, I have very good news for you. It' s called alternate universes. If you are not familiar with this concept, a parallel universe is a universe or space-time continuum that exists alongside ours, with a different story and circumstances, where alternate versions of ourselves live out their lives and make choices.

The quantum theory thus proposes a dual nature for both waves and particles, one aspect predominating in some situations, the other predominating in other situations.

Around 30 years ago, a man called Burt Goldman, decided to find the way to communicate with these alternate versions of himself to learn from their experiences, acquire their skills and improve his own life in the process. Burt' s life path was a journey toward enlightenment. He has spent most of his life pursuing self empowerment under the teaching of some of the world' s top spiritual gurus, including Jose Silva and Paramahansa Yogananda, in disciplines including Meditation, Energy Healing, Visualization, the Law of Attraction, Feng Shui and Yoga.

Determined to reveal the secret he kept for decades, and eager to help people find happiness, health and enlightenment, Burt has created Quantum Jumping, a unique breakthrough mental technique that allows anyone to tap into the power of their minds to communicate with alternate versions of themselves.

Quantum Jumping technique works through a simple but effective combination of meditation and visualization. Burt claims that it is actually based on a classic personal development tool known as the 'Board Room Technique', where the user is asked to visualize him or herself conversing with their role models in the hopes of acquiring wisdom and inspiration from them.

You can be skeptical about the parallel universe theory, but you can' t deny what Burt managed to do.
Now an 83 years old man with the energy and vision of a young and healthy person, these are only some of the things Burt managed to accomplish within the past few years:
  • Published a book
  • Took up photography
  • Got his photographs in the International Photography Hall of Fame
  • Took up painting and set up an art website
  • Taught himself to sing and released a CD
  • Set up a new business

He and his more than 1 million students, are the living proof that Quantum Jumping indeed works!

If you'd like to find out more click here

Article Source:

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

11 Ways to Stop Caring What People Think

Have you ever really wanted to do something but you didn't do it because you were scared of what people would think? I'm betting that the answer is yes. You didn't do what you wanted because you wanted to be seen as a nice person. You wanted people to like you and to gain their approval.

The problem with behaving like this is that your freedom is taken away from you. That is a much worse thing than being liked by people you barely know.

So here are 11 ways to stop caring what others think.

1. Accept yourself
If you can't accept yourself for who are you then it is no surprise that you care what others think.
The first step of overcoming any fear you might have is acceptance. If you find it hard to currently accept yourself the way you are then make the effort to become the person you want to be. If you are insecure about your weight, then start going to the gym more or eat healthier. If you are shy, then start talking to more people etc.

2. You can't please everyone
"You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time." | Abraham Lincoln |
It is impossible to please everyone. Some people might like you, others might not. This is just how the world works. No matter what you do, there will be at least one person who disagrees or does not like you. It is no fault of your own. It is just their opinion. They are entitled it to. It is out of your control. I'm sure you know someone who every seems to love but you can't stand.

3. Your own opinion matters the most
No one else knows what it is like to be you. You are the only one who knows what thoughts you think and what emotions you feel every day. You know your achievements, successes, what you are proud of etc. Considering you know yourself best it seems crazy to hold someone else's opinion of you above your own.

4. Make a list
Get a pen and a piece of paper and write down all your good points. This is a never ending list. Every time you think of another good point write it down. This will remind you of all your good qualities during those times you are feeling low.

5. Surround yourself with people you like
You might care what other people think because you don't know them very well. You want to gain their approval. Therefore, it is important to surround yourself with people you know and like.
The times we are least self conscious and most confident are the times spent in the company of friends. Our friends are our friends because they don't judge us, they make us laugh, and they are there when we need them most. These are the important people in life. Focus on what they say, not on what other people we think.

6. Act as if
What do actors do when they play a character? They act as if they are the person they are playing. If they have to play a confidence trickster, they act like the most confident person in the world. If they have to play a suicidal person, they act depressed. Start to act like someone who just doesn't care what others think. After enough practice you will naturally behave in that way.

7. I didn't know you were psychic
Most of the time we think we know what others are thinking but we really have no idea. I'm sorry to break it to you but you aren't psychic. It is impossible to know what somebody else is thinking.
When you're 18, you worry about what everybody is thinking of you; when you 40, you don't give a damn what anybody thinks of you; when you're 60, you realize nobody's been thinking about you at all.

8. Do what you want to do
I'm sure you've all been there; you want to do something but you fear what others will think.
Let me give you an example which sounds completely ridiculous. I never use to bring food into the cinema because I was afraid that people would be annoyed by the sound of crunching or the smell. Completely ridiculous, eh? If I was afraid of something as small as that and got over it then there is literally no stopping you.

9. Stop over analysing
You need to get out of your head to stop caring what others think of you. Meditation is a great way to silence those thoughts.

10. Keep your mind busy
If you are finding it particularly hard to get over something someone said to you then keep your mind busy. Go for a jog, do some housework, listen to music, finish some work etc. You will soon forget what it was that someone said about you.

11. Do something that is embarrassing
The best way to stop caring what others think is to become desensitized to it. Doing something embarrassing enough times soon eliminates any anxiety you once had. When you were learning to ride a bike, you might have been scared at first. What if I crash? What if I hurt myself? What if people laugh at me when I fall over? You took the plunge and soon enough, you were riding your bike with ease. Shout something at the top of your voice in the mall, walk around with your shirt on back to front, walk around in a hot dog costume. It doesn't matter what it is as long as it is something you would find uncomfortable doing. You will notice that people don't really care what you do.
They have enough going on in their own head to think about a complete stranger. Soon enough you will find it hard to believe that you ever cared what people thought of you.

Extrovert-Me! - Get the most out of life

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Sunday, 25 March 2012

Achieve Your Dreams - 10 Ways to Success

We all have dreams of what we want to achieve in life. Some dreams may be small while others may be so big it's difficult to believe we will ever be able to achieve them. It is advisable to focus on one goal at a time. Trying to achieve two or more goals at the same time can be overwhelming and can result in failing at all of them. It's also important to make your goal specific and not aim for an overall outcome like "I want to retire and be self sufficient". Your best chance to reach that ultimate goal is to break it down into smaller, more achievable segments. The following ten rules for goal fulfillment will greatly increase your chance of reaching your target.

  1. Define your goal. Be very specific and add as much detail as possible. Some things to think about could include: how long will it take, will it involve other people, how much money will I need, do I need more education? Take time to add as much detail as possible. Know exactly what will be needed for your project to succeed. Exact details can, and will change as you progress, but for this initial planning phase be as detailed as possible.
  2. Justification. Once you have listed your goal in as much detail as possible you need to determine the advantages and disadvantages associated with it. Is this goal absolutely for you to achieve or just something that you would like to do some day? What sacrifices will you need to make to have this happen? Will it impact others? Is it worth it? The best way to determine the answer to these questions is to rule a line down the middle of a page, Mark one side Pro and the other side Con. When you have finished populating this sheet you will be sure that your goal is really what you want to achieve. It will also help to clear any doubts or fears you may as to whether it is the right course for you to follow.
  3. Mindset. When you first make the decision to start a new project you will be very excited and motivated, however over time you can lose this spark and negative thoughts and fears can creep in. You can start thinking that it wasn't such a good idea to start with. It's all become too hard, too scary. There are a number of different ways to get our mindset back on track. Share your goal with a family member of close friend. You are less likely to give up if you have someone to support and help you along the way. When you feel like giving up close your eyes and think of how you will feel when you have achieved your dream. It will feel so wonderful. You will be so proud to have achieved your dream. It will be so exciting. Really try to experience how you will feel. Remember how much you really want this. Carry a picture of your goal in your purse or wallet. When those negative thoughts or feelings strike, take out the picture to reinforce your determination. Have a mantra that you can repeat when you are feeling low: eg "I'm so excited that I will soon have my dream". Again, feel the emotion of being in possession of your dream.
  4. Make a plan. Now that you have created your dream in your imagination it's time to now create it in reality. You need to analyze your goal in as much detail as possible. Write down how much it will cost; how long it will take; will you need to get a loan or will you save for it? Are there any associated costs involved? Do you need any training? Make a clear and detailed list of what you will need to reach your goal. Arrange them in order of importance and add deadlines for each item. You now have a rough draft of your "to do" list. Put your list where you will see it regularly
  5. Getting knowledge. More than likely you will need to get some expert advice in order to reach your goal. Make sure that you do some research and get information from a number of different sources. By using your comprehensive "to do" list you can be confident of covering all areas of your project and minimize those "hidden extras". Study all the information you receive and then make an informed decision on which one is the right choice for you. If you are having a contractor or supplier do work for you make sure you get a firm quote in writing before they start working.
  6. Do something every day. Make sure you do something towards your goal every day, even if it's only to look at some brochures or pull up some websites. Consistently working on your To Do List brings you closer to your dream and keeps your enthusiasm up. It's very easy to become disheartened and put the project on the back burner. To make sure this doesn't happen, you need to make an agreement with yourself that you will do something, no matter how small, every single day. You will soon find that you enthusiasm and commitment will return. Break your "to do" list down into smaller segments that are not so daunting.
  7. Share your dream with others. Your friends and family will help keep you motivated on track and give you the encouragement and drive that you need when you feel like giving up. Put a post on your Facebook page telling your friends about your project and update them as your plan comes together. Some of your friends may have suggestions that can help you in your own quest. You never know, you may even inspire others to reach for their dreams too.
  8. Vision boards. Vision boards are usually used as a goal setting tool but are great to use when you are in the creation stage. Make up a vision board with pictures of your ultimate goal. Include all the steps you need to go through including time lines. It can be a great deal of fun and very encouraging to follow your progress on the vision board. Make sure you put it where you can see it often
  9. Measure your progress It's very important that you constantly measure your progress towards you goal to make sure you stay within your timelines. You should already have a list of what you need to achieve by certain dates. Mark these dates on the calendar and check your progress. It's very exciting to find that you're actually ahead of your expectations. If you find that you're behind you will still have time to catch up.
  10. Get excited, get very excited. When you have put all these action points into practice you will be well on your way to your dream, so get excited. You should be very proud to have achieved what you set out to do and once you know how to do it, you can repeat it over and over again. Now that's something to get very excited about.

The Master Blueprints

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Sunday, 18 March 2012

What is NLP and How Could it Benefit You?

NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) is a self help technique has been designed to improve all aspects of a person's life. There are many self help programs to choose from today, however few have withstood the test of time and gained as many supporters as NLP.
Neuro Linguistic Programming is a type of therapy which combines neurological processes and language to change patterned behaviours, in order to assist goal achievement and improve the quality of life.

How did NLP begin?
John Grinder and Richard Bandler are considered to be the fathers of NLP, having originated this therapy in the 1970s. They claimed to have miraculous results with all types of behavioural and learning disorders using their technique.Few scientific studies were undertaken to prove its effectiveness so their therapy was never fully embraced by the mental health community.

What are the benefits of NLP?
NLP is very beneficial to those who undergo treatment, because it helps them to quickly end learned bad behaviour and replace this with new improved behaviour. This can have a remarkable effect upon a person.

Where can you receive NLP?
For the best results it is advised to receive NLP training from a certified professional. However, there are many NLP books and DVDs on the market today that will teach you the principals behind this type of therapy. These can help you to learn and apply the techniques of NLP by yourself.

Why do people undertake NLP?
NLP can help all areas of a person's growth and development. Some specific reasons why people choose to engage in these programs include
o Raising self esteem
o Stopping smoking
o Overcoming shyness
What are the dangers of NLP?
NLP in itself is not dangerous. However, since it can be learned at home, there is a danger that you may try to treat yourself for a condition which would be better treated another way by visiting a qualified mental health professional or doctor.
Keep in mind that NLP has been used successfully by many people and it is more effective to learn from someone who can instruct you properly.

Who can use NLP?
Neuro Linguistic Programming can be used effectively by individuals to treat a psychological condition, or overcome other difficulties. It can also be used by sales people, and those who are looking to influence people. Sales people can use the same techniques to find out exactly what customers want, and to help overcome any objectives.
Why not see if you could benefit from NLP in your personal or professional life?

Find out more click here

Article Source: The Ultimate NLP Course - Master NLP In Just 2 Hours

Friday, 16 March 2012

How Exercise Reduces Stress

Most people experience stress on a daily basis. Living the fast paced lifestyle that most of us do, stress is often unavoidable. There is a positive link between stress reduction and exercising. Exercise is a great way not only to get in shape but to get control over your stress. In the process you will improve your health. Exercise therefore has both physical and emotional benefits and should be a part of everyone's healthy lifestyle.

Releases energy: When you exercise your body can release the energy it has bottled up from experiencing stress. This release will naturally reduce stress levels. Endorphins: Your body can also release endorphins from exercising. Endorphins are known as "feel good hormones". When you hear people refer to feeling a "runners high", this is an example of feeling very euphoric from the body releasing endorphins. Your stress is reduced as you begin to feel calmer and more relaxed. You usually will experience the most positive feelings about one hour after exercise.

Improves Brain Activity: As stress is reduced the brain begins to function more efficiently. Some studies suggest that exercise can actually lead to the creation of new brain cells, a process known as neurogenesis. For men, exercise also increases the production of testosterone which helps men feel more confident and therefore less stressed.

Muscle Relaxation: A typical reaction to stress is for your muscles to tense up and tighten. When you exercise you allow your muscles to loosen and relax. Exercise will enable you to reduce stress this way by alleviating that unpleasant sensation associated with tense muscles. It's unhealthy for muscles to remain tense for long periods of time as this can lead to spasms and potential damage.

Cortisol: When you are stressed your body releases hormones into your bloodstream. One in particular is known as cortisol. If cortisol levels are too high you will experience increased stress symptoms such nervousness and irritability. If cortisol levels are high in the body for long periods of time you can become more susceptible to a variety of stress related illnesses. When you exercise you help your body to release the cortisol and reduce its levels. Continued exercise can help you to keep your cortisol levels under control.

Additionally exercise helps fight stress by reducing your cholesterol levels. When you are stressed your liver has to work harder and therefore produces more cholesterol. By exercising you help you liver to expend this cholesterol thereby keeping you healthier. High cholesterol is associated with an increased risk of heart disease.

Exercise Reduces Anxiety: Stress can create anxiety for many individuals. Anxiety levels can range from mild to severe. Exercise helps your body to relieve this pent up stress and anxiety. It also helps to change your focus from your problems to a more positive experience of doing something good for your health.

Looking Better Reduces Stress: When you look better you feel better. Losing weight and toning up will boost your self confidence levels. Feeling better about your physical appearance will definitely reduce your stress.

Stay Committed to Exercise: If you want to keep stress levels under control you have to be consistent in your exercise program. Many people feel they are just too busy to fit exercise into their lives but it is really a matter of reprioritizing. Make small goals and commitments to exercise that are reasonable and that you can achieve. For example you can start at a gym 3 days per week for a half hour. After you have succeeded in this goal you can gradually increase your exercise to 5 days per week. If you push yourself too soon with too much you will become overwhelmed and quit exercising. The goal is to make exercise a part of your lifestyle. It needs to become a happy and positive experience that you look forward too.

Clearly exercise can have a very positive impact on your life and on reducing your stress levels. Find an exercise activity that you will enjoy and that you can commit too. Remember whenever beginning any dietary or lifestyle changes, always consult with a medical professional, particularly if you are taking prescription drugs or suffer from any disease or ailment.

Article Source:

Friday, 9 March 2012

7 Common Characteristics of People Who Are Successful in Love

People who have success in love (and usually life) share similar characteristics. Keep in mind that by success I don't mean that they have necessarily had it easy. Success is getting up just one more time than you fall down, so in love you have to keep getting back on the horse if you fall off. The bad news is we don't all naturally have these characteristics, but the good news is we can develop better habits. Developing the right mindset and attitude will make your search for your soul mate much more enjoyable!

1. They assume responsibility for their love life.
Those who succeed in love realize they are in control of all aspects of their life, love life included. They don't waste time and energy blaming someone else for their misery or playing the victim role. They admit they made poor choices in dating and don't blame parents, past mates, and life in general for those mistakes. Then they learn from those mistakes and move on.
This can be frightening for some people, but it is actually quite empowering. No more excuses, you are the boss of your life and you have the ability to create the reality you want!
What is the main cause for where your love life is at? What could you have done differently? Were there people you should have passed on or people you should have gone out with that you didn't? Were there relationships you should have gotten out of sooner?

2.They are optimistic.
They realize they may have to kiss a few frogs to get their prince, but at the end of the day they know their perfect mate will come. They also find a way to enjoy the journey while they wait.

3. They have self-confidence.
People who succeed in love have loads of self-esteem that prevents them from entering bad dating patters. They know they deserve someone who is perfect for them and don't settle for less. If your confidence is lacking, a bad relationship will only make it worse and send you into a downward spiral. When a relationship doesn't work out you need to take responsibility for your part, recognize the other person's faults, learn, and move on. You shouldn't go into self-defeating mode and start dating losers. If your confidence is at a good level you will be able to look at the situation logically and have a foundation to fall back on.

4. They Don't Complain
Your thoughts and words have very powerful energy and can make or break your success. Don't complain about exes or your dating life. Watch every thought and word for a month and see if you don't start getting better results. Read my blog on this specific subject for more info.

5. They take action.
Successful people know to achieve what they want they need to do more than just talk. They put themselves out there and learn more. If they aren't where they want to be yet they know it's simply because there is something they haven't done or tried yet. Then, they starting learning and doing. If you want to be in a different situation then you have to make some changes to your life. I get complaints from women all the time that they aren't meeting the men they want. Then after questioning them I find out they haven't tried any new strategies in years. If you want different fruits, you have to change the roots, so shake it up and think outside the box.

6. They don't let their egos get in the way.
People who are successful in love don't let their egos get in the way of having a great love life. If you are constantly afraid of rejection or embarrassed to get help you are likely to stay in the same place for a long time. Don't be afraid to read dating advice articles and books, hire a matchmaker, or get help from a dating coach. Also don't be embarrassed to tell people you meet that you want to settle down; one of the best ways to meet a great person is through mutual acquaintances. There is no shame in seeking help; there is only shame in staying stuck and not doing what it takes to get out of a rut!

7. They know when to walk.
Those who are most successful in love will often jump before the ship sinks. To some this may seem like giving up too soon, but it's important to know when enough is enough. In dating there is obviously an amount of compromise and work involved to keep the relationship in a good place, but knowing when to bail is crucial. Don't let past plans and dreams for the future cloud your judgment about a healthy relationship. The relationship needs to be working for you in the present and moving forward and if it's not it could simply be time to move on. You can have new dreams and future plans with someone else who is on the same track as you. We all know that when one door closes at least one more opens, but if you are starting at the shut door you may not even see the open door across the hall. If you keep a relationship past its expiration date you could be missing out on the opportunity to get someone even more perfect for you!

Article Source:

The Ultimate Self-Talk Series

Friday, 2 March 2012

The Top 5 Best Time Management Practices

The top five time management practices are often considered the best techniques by those using them and most recommended by the experts. Check out the five actions suggested below to create a time management system to best fits personal need.

1. Create a daily "To Do" list. This is always the number one suggestion of time management experts, business leaders, and others who are good at managing their time. Having a list of necessary and nice-to-do tasks focuses thoughts on the work so that nothing important gets neglected. It allows the list-maker the opportunity to plan their day. Keeping the list always handy makes it easy to add new items as they come up and check-off completed items. Reviewing the checked-off tasks can help motivate the user to continue completing tasks and feel a great sense of accomplishment at the end of the day.

2. Write down appointments. Write-it-down is another axiom of time management experts, not only for the "to do" list but for the appointment calendar as well. Writing appointments on a calendar when they are made frees the mind for other creative things. It also helps to prevent forgetting the meeting or appointment in the future. It should become a regular practice to review the calendar the beginning of each day to make sure nothing is missed. In checking the appointments, a decision can be made to attend, send a substitute, or try to reschedule if necessary.

3. Determine work priorities. Determining what work is important to do each day and what can be put off until another time is another key to improved time management. A high priority task or appointment would relate to an important project, something that may lead to advancement, or a promise due to another. Low priority to do list items are those that are nice-to-do but are not necessary right away or it might be requested attendance at a meeting where personal input is not required. Medium priority would be regular work tasks or standard team meetings.

4. Set alarms. Those who find they are often late to meetings or forget other types of appointments, find that setting alarm on a watch, computer, or phone works very well as a reminder. Set the alarm at least ten minutes in advance of the appointment start time so necessary data can be gathered and to allow for walking to the meeting room. If the appointment is not in the same building, then set the alarm out further to allow for travel time. Some people even reset their alarm when they are at a meeting for 10 minutes before the meeting should end to insure appropriate time for meeting wrap-up and to still get out on time.

5. Break-up large projects. Many people find they procrastinate starting large projects because it seems like too much to do or too hard to accomplish. To make it easier to start on a large project, break it into several sub-tasks. Then plan to add different sub-tasks onto the daily "to do" lists working backwards from the due date in the order tasks should be accomplished. This way each sub-task becomes part of the scheduled work and the project gets completed on-time. Some experts refer to this simple project management process as "the Swiss-cheese method" since it is poking holes in the bigger cheese (project) until all is gone (tasks done).
From the five suggestions above, create a personal time management system that fits individual needs. Be sure to consider these top five time management practices in the future to improve techniques being used and recommend those found effective to others.

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Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Yoga Is a Form of Meditation

There are five different principles to yoga, with meditation being one of them. This is where there is awareness of your mind constantly. In order to perceive one's own self in a clear manner, the mind is made to focus on one particular thing so the mind will become still. If practiced regularly, meditation will let you achieve a better sense of will along with sense of purpose. It will help your mind become clear, drastically improve concentration, while discovering the tranquility and wisdom inside yourself.

What Meditation Means
When you are brought to the present - the here and the now... and kept there, you are in state of meditation. This means meditation can easily be used in your life. Meditation does not mean writing down a grocery list of things you can focus on. You just need to be acutely aware of your being and keep your mind focus and away from random thoughts. When meditating, keep in mind about living in the present or NOW.
  1. For concentration we need to focus on one object or thing: The focus could be how you breath, repeating a word out loud or in your mind, or even a sensation that is being felt inside your body. To live in the present it will involve the senses of listening, smelling, and feeling.
  2. Wandering thoughts should always come back to the object being focused on: The mind will tend to wander around when you are trying to focus on one object. This is normal so do not get discouraged with practice your mind will become quiet. The mind can be stubborn so other thoughts might creep in so instead of fighting the thoughts take a minute and acknowledge them and let them go. There is no for suppressing or trying to hide your thoughts when doing mediation. There will be times when you get distracted it is okay just go back to the original focus.
  3. When doing meditation try ignoring all sensations and thoughts that are irrelevant: You will not be taking to a new place of existence with mediation. If there are people around when you are meditating you will hear them still. The object with Meditation is to stay focused. Focusing will keep you in the NOW.
Meditation and the Benefits
The art of looking deep in your self is called Meditation and means having your mind focus while restraining from other thoughts. With practice you will learn your purpose in life and understand it better while benefiting in your mental health and physically.
As you get better with mediation you will start experiencing better mental and physical health. Some studies claim this is accomplished because of the reduction in biochemical markers and physiological. This means the heart rate will decrease, respiration rate will decrease, the stress hormone plasma cortisol is decreased, pulse rate will decrease, while the EEG for relaxation will increase. Meditation will have you in a deep relaxation state, while our mind is increased for the awareness level. This means your reactions are faster, creativity is greater, and your comprehension is improved.
More benefits:
  • Capacity in the lungs is increased
  • Immune system becomes improved
  • Nervous system is recharged
  • Stress is reduced
  • Memory becomes improved
  • Helps in aiding with asthma treatment
  • The mind becomes open
  • Compassion and patience become amplified
  • Sin, guilt, and temptation you become aware of
  • Faith in your religion becomes increased
Patience, determination, and discipline are all required with meditation. Practice makes perfect so do not think you will have all this the first time you try.

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The Importance of Goals and Goal Setting

Through the use of goals and goal setting we can get to where we want in life. The whole point of goal setting is to bridge the gap between where we are and where we want to be.
If you focus your mind on a certain goal, more than likely you will achieve it. By deciding what you want, and working towards it diligently you can accomplish everything you wish for.
A correct goal gives you all the incentive you need to grow and work towards completing the task in hand. We all have big ideas about where we want to get to in life. Here's a few simple tips on how to construct a good goal and how to stay on track for completing it.

Make It Clear and Stay Committed
The various circumstances of life can easily take you off course unless you are very clear about what you want to achieve. Set clear guidelines about what, why, when and how. By doing this you can ensure you stay committed and focused. Eliminating any outside distractions and moving towards your goal.

Take a piece of plain paper and write what you want to achieve. Then think of all the different ways you could accomplish this goal. Include the different steps you need to take and the time it will take.
Having a written plan is a vital factor in getting to where you want to be. Think of where you are now, and what you need to do to get closer to your goal. What are the first steps you must take? Are there any tasks you need to outsource? What are your strengths?
Focus on what you are good at. In areas of weakness look for guidance or advice from people with more expertise in that area. Don't waste time trying to learn something extremely difficult when it will push your goal further and further away from you.

Have Fun
One of the biggest barriers for not achieving something is having no fun. If you take the fun out of something then it becomes boring, tedious and a drag. Nobody wants to do something regularly that provides no excitement to them and that they don't enjoy. Ensure you have fun whilst working towards you goals. Without it you will quickly become de-motivated and lose focus.
We all have what we need to achieve our goals. Its been within us from day one. Focus your mind and use the simple tips above. Stay committed and ensure you are clear about what you want to accomplish.

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Thursday, 23 February 2012

Law of Attraction: Do You Know About The Power Of Flow?

Flow is the quality of ease that can be integrated into a life to give it the look and feel of almost effortless achievement. It's not as elusive as it may seem. We all know people who go through life attracting opportunity after opportunity; or those who have a knack for being at the right place at the right time to connect with the right people.

These people seem unusually lucky; life seems to favor them but in reality they have turned synchronicity and attraction into a habit where most people experience them in random fashion. Our culture has been programmed to link struggle with valor and so the tendency is to unconsciously choose struggle over ease.

This struggle mentality validates the assumptions that life is hard and you have to work hard to get make ends meet or to get ahead. It places the under-achiever in declivity while setting the high performance achiever up for burnout. This struggle mentality is a sickness that is perpetuated by both the unsuccessful and the successful. There is a high price attached to success that is adrenaline-based; there is this unending pressure to go faster, work harder, jump higher, sleep less, and do more. This model of success is very unattractive, very expensive, and is simply a more glamorous form of failure.
The high performance achiever may be relentless at first, but eventually as the burn intensifies, they begin to ask themselves, "Is this all there is?" There is a better way that leads to success that can be achieved and sustained without amputating other important aspects of yourself and your life.
Steven Lane Taylor, author of the book Row, Row, Row Your Boat; A Guide for Living Life in the Divine Flow", suggests that we can intentionally tap into the flow of life's benevolent energy. When we do, we begin to move gently toward our goals instead of racing past them like an Olympic runner being chased by a herd of frightened elephants. The high performance achiever is often the one who is most at risk in becoming trapped in the work harder, faster, longer paradigm.

In Steven's book, he uses the song "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" to provide a simple model for unlocking the mystery of flow.

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Sunday, 19 February 2012

Four Steps to Making Life Easier on Yourself

How would you like to make life easier on yourself? So often we sabotage our own efforts and projects simply by being too self-critical, or by wanting everything to be perfect. This short article will explore four ways in which you can make life easier on yourself. If you incorporate these four things into your daily life you will find, as I did, that life becomes much easier and less stressful.
* Adopting a positive attitude- Whenever something happens that sabotages our plans, a traffic jam when you are on your way to an important meeting, for example, try to be positive. Instead of worrying about the time try to use it preparing yourself for the meeting. Think of possible answers to the questions you might be asked. At the very least try to look at these unforseen situations as nature giving you some space.
* Self-talk-What do you say when you talk to yourself. When most of us make a mistake, or things don't go as planned the tendency is to start thinking, I've done it again, when will I do things right. This puts us in a frame of mind that anticipates failure and wreaks havoc on our self-concept. If you fail, and most likely you will, tell yourself that it's ok, it is a learning curve. Then get right back to trying again. Go easy on yourself and try giving yourself a boost. Remember that your self-talk influences how you see yourself, if you think of yourself as a failure then you set yourself up for it. Go take a break. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again, as the song says.
* Perfection-you don't have to be perfect. This is a sure fire way of inviting problems into your life. Perfectionists are great procrastinators, they find it hard to finish a job because it doesn't meet with their standards. Sometimes the only way to get things done is to tell yourself that the job is good enough. You have done your best, none of us are perfect. Let it go.
* Gratitude-be grateful for what you have and who you are. Make a promise to write down in your diary three things that you are thankful for every day. See your attitude change and watch as your life becomes easier.
There you are. Four steps to making your life easier. If you start using these strategies on a daily basis it won't be long before you will find yourself less stressed and situations less stressful. You will be making life easier for yourself.

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