Friday, 9 March 2012

7 Common Characteristics of People Who Are Successful in Love

People who have success in love (and usually life) share similar characteristics. Keep in mind that by success I don't mean that they have necessarily had it easy. Success is getting up just one more time than you fall down, so in love you have to keep getting back on the horse if you fall off. The bad news is we don't all naturally have these characteristics, but the good news is we can develop better habits. Developing the right mindset and attitude will make your search for your soul mate much more enjoyable!

1. They assume responsibility for their love life.
Those who succeed in love realize they are in control of all aspects of their life, love life included. They don't waste time and energy blaming someone else for their misery or playing the victim role. They admit they made poor choices in dating and don't blame parents, past mates, and life in general for those mistakes. Then they learn from those mistakes and move on.
This can be frightening for some people, but it is actually quite empowering. No more excuses, you are the boss of your life and you have the ability to create the reality you want!
What is the main cause for where your love life is at? What could you have done differently? Were there people you should have passed on or people you should have gone out with that you didn't? Were there relationships you should have gotten out of sooner?

2.They are optimistic.
They realize they may have to kiss a few frogs to get their prince, but at the end of the day they know their perfect mate will come. They also find a way to enjoy the journey while they wait.

3. They have self-confidence.
People who succeed in love have loads of self-esteem that prevents them from entering bad dating patters. They know they deserve someone who is perfect for them and don't settle for less. If your confidence is lacking, a bad relationship will only make it worse and send you into a downward spiral. When a relationship doesn't work out you need to take responsibility for your part, recognize the other person's faults, learn, and move on. You shouldn't go into self-defeating mode and start dating losers. If your confidence is at a good level you will be able to look at the situation logically and have a foundation to fall back on.

4. They Don't Complain
Your thoughts and words have very powerful energy and can make or break your success. Don't complain about exes or your dating life. Watch every thought and word for a month and see if you don't start getting better results. Read my blog on this specific subject for more info.

5. They take action.
Successful people know to achieve what they want they need to do more than just talk. They put themselves out there and learn more. If they aren't where they want to be yet they know it's simply because there is something they haven't done or tried yet. Then, they starting learning and doing. If you want to be in a different situation then you have to make some changes to your life. I get complaints from women all the time that they aren't meeting the men they want. Then after questioning them I find out they haven't tried any new strategies in years. If you want different fruits, you have to change the roots, so shake it up and think outside the box.

6. They don't let their egos get in the way.
People who are successful in love don't let their egos get in the way of having a great love life. If you are constantly afraid of rejection or embarrassed to get help you are likely to stay in the same place for a long time. Don't be afraid to read dating advice articles and books, hire a matchmaker, or get help from a dating coach. Also don't be embarrassed to tell people you meet that you want to settle down; one of the best ways to meet a great person is through mutual acquaintances. There is no shame in seeking help; there is only shame in staying stuck and not doing what it takes to get out of a rut!

7. They know when to walk.
Those who are most successful in love will often jump before the ship sinks. To some this may seem like giving up too soon, but it's important to know when enough is enough. In dating there is obviously an amount of compromise and work involved to keep the relationship in a good place, but knowing when to bail is crucial. Don't let past plans and dreams for the future cloud your judgment about a healthy relationship. The relationship needs to be working for you in the present and moving forward and if it's not it could simply be time to move on. You can have new dreams and future plans with someone else who is on the same track as you. We all know that when one door closes at least one more opens, but if you are starting at the shut door you may not even see the open door across the hall. If you keep a relationship past its expiration date you could be missing out on the opportunity to get someone even more perfect for you!

Article Source:

The Ultimate Self-Talk Series


  1. I get creative ideas all of the time. It makes me so excited and I just want to do all of them. I've learned to exercise discernment and take action on the ideas whose time has come. Thanks for the excellent practical advice!

  2. I think that taking action is a major key for success in all areas of our lives. So few of us seem to act on our "hunches" and let opportunities pass us by, usually because of fear of failure. We should all take more notice of our intuition and trust it. I think it's wonderful that you are doing exactly that Juju!

  3. These are great ideas. The more we know ourselves and our intentions, the easier it is to apply principles such as these consistently for continued success. Thank you so much for sharing. @IAmPotential7.

    1. Thank you for your comments. I love your blog too!
